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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Introducing the Internship

Welcome back! 

While I have only completed one week of my internship at MJS Designs, I have already gained a great understanding of what it is like to be an engineer. On my first day, I was given a tour of the facility and introduced to each person. The small size of the company allowed me to talk to each person individually and to get a brief overview of their role in the overall process. 

The biggest thing that I have learned this far is the pivotal role that teamwork plays in the quality of the product. From the design phase on there are a variety of people working together to produce the final product. The multiple tests that are run to check for quality put MJS above other companies because they stress producing a product that not only works but works well. However, this level of quality calls for an even greater level of cooperation. 

Throughout my project, I hope to explore this team-work more in order to really see what creates a good team. I want to look into the different approaches males and females take to problem-solving and how this might influence the ultimate product being made. I hope to discover the balance that females can bring to a traditionally male-dominated field. I intend to do this both through research and through my personal experience at MJS. My internship is designed to act as a supplement to my project; a way of expressing the facts that I am collecting in a tangible and relatable manner.

More to come on the incredible designs I will be working on at MJS! Subscribe here to learn more about females and their stereotypes in engineering in next week's blog! 



  1. Hi Liz! This sounds like such a cool and very relevant project. Based on what your research will focus on, what is your plan for a final project? Also, will you be able to create/design something at your internship?

  2. Hey Ivanna! My plan for the final project is something focusing on the women in engineering aspect. At my internship,I will be independtly designing or building materials but I will work on a variety of projects! More to come this is my next few blogs ��

  3. Hi Elizabeth, this project sounds really interesting! How do you specifically plan to do research on why there is a push for women in these fields? What kind of data will you be looking at to reach your conclusion, physiological, statistics, etc?

  4. Hi Nic! For my project I intend to look at the data from all different fields of study (i.e. psychological, statistics, raw data from universities etc.). However, I plan to draw my conclusion primarily from statistics.

  5. I see that you’re seeing the benefits of teamwork at MJS. When describing how women will benefit the engineering workplace, what characteristics will be discussed as a positive addition without gender stereotyping?
