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Friday, May 5, 2017

Presentation Preparation!!

Hi everyone!

I thought it might be nice to give you a glimpse into my life the past few days. In addition to work, I have been working to get my presentation to the best final product!! This includes my powerpoint, my poster, and my final product. In my last post, I talked a little bit about my LED ring final product. Thus, in this post, I wanna take you down the little journey of making my poster.

For me personally, posters have always been a joy for me. I love the opportunity to be not only professional but creative!! For this poster, I wanted to approach it in a very specific and different way. For the panels of my project, I decided to make two timelines. The left panel is dedicated to an individual's life; looking into the things that influence them at different ages and how these mentalities can be seen in university and career level statistics. On the other panel, I decided to focus on a historical timeline of women in engineering. I wanted to answer questions like:
Who are some of the most influential women in the STEM fields?
What caused engineering to shift towards a desirable career path for women?
In what way is the increased number of females in STEM reflective of the shifting standards in society? How does this correlate to more males staying at home and more males entering female dominated fields like nursing and cosmetics?
And lastly, I wanted to look at how companies are CURRENTLY treating females in the field.

The middle portion of my trifold has an interactive activity in addition to photos from my internship. Below, there are photos of my trifold making process (including the removable sticky notes that I used to map out my poster.. haha, yes I have mild OCD).

Making the poster has been a change to take the things I have learned and the events I attended and transform them into a visually appealing manner for everyone to easily digest! Come see my poster on May 6 to see the final product (not shown below ;) )

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