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Monday, April 17, 2017

Internship Update

Welcome back!

I have realized that in recent posts there hasn't been a lot of information about my internship. Current, I am working on two different projects, both of which have been incredibly interesting :)

The first is a project with the electrical engineer. I have been teaching myself how to code using C programming... which has been quite the adventure. C programming, in short, is a commonly used language that coders use to program machine functions. I thought that the coolest part was the data log. Each device within the system I am working on has its own data sheet. The part that is actually receiving the data being inputted through the code is the most important one. The data is transferred in three sets of 24-bit data. In basic terms, this means that the data is sent to the device. The device then processes the data and responds based on how the main.c page defines its function. While this can be super confusing, I think that it has been one of the most satisfying parts of my internship to alter the code and then see how that changes how the device functions.

The second main project that I have been working on is with the mechanical assembly team on the grey floor. While this doesn't focus on the engineering aspect of things, I have learned a lot about what engineers should consider while building their devices. This may not apply as much in my intended field of study, electrical engineering, however, if I were to program a device and then build a capsule or enclosure there are certain things to consider. While building a few of the devices in the back, I noticed how diffucult it was to screw things in due to angles that the engineers failed to consider. While it seems small, it takes longer to build and thus slows the entire proces down. Working with the mechanical assembly team has showed me how detailed engineering is and let me just say, I love it! Some call me a perfectionist and I guess I kinda am. I think that when attention is given to the smaller details in life, the final product is of better quality all around.

Come back next week to read more about my internship!

1 comment:

  1. “The Devil is in the details”, is a commonly used quote. It is difficult to believe that with each part an electrical engineering puts on a board, one must consider how it affects everything else on the board from power, heat, dimensions, and noise. It is great that you are seeing firsthand what a few seconds of poor decision making can impact the overall product. This internship is going to go with you a long way. Keep up the good work.
